We have very simple and transparent ordering system in place. Please, find the order steps below.
- Create order for the products you wish to purchase.
- We will send you estimate invoice with shipping charges for the products you have choose delivering to your shipping address. We will inform you about the availability, expected date of dispatch for the selected products.
- You can make the payment through Net Banking/Direct Bank Transfer, Cheque/DD, customers outside India please ask us we will help you.
- Inform us about the payment at [email protected] or +91-9724876931 (Call, Whatsapp)
- We will start processing your order immediately upon receiving payment in our bank account.
- Once dispatched, we will send you order completion email with shipping details and tracking number.
If you are not comfortable in making order online?
Don’t worry! Just give us a call and we will do rest for you.
If you have any questions/concerns about ordering process; please feel free to contact us at [email protected] or call us at +91-9724876931.
We will be happy to assist you! We are open Monday to Saturday, 10am to 6pm IST.
IMPORTANT NOTE – our price is FOB, Ahmedabad, India. Shipping charges, taxes and any other duty levied at your location is not included in the price of the product and will have to borne by customer.
Product availability status will be re-checked after receiving your payment for the order. There are chances that even after you pay for the product, it may not be available. In such case, we will provide full refund or adjustment of funds to a future order whatever options customers prefer.
Bank Details
Bank Name –
A/C Name –
A/C Number –
A/C Type –
IFSC Code –
Branch –